미드를 보면서 정리해 둔 표현들을 하나씩 포스팅해보려 합니다.
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2) 해당 문장을 완벽히 기억해내는 것을 목표로 삼고자 합니다.
미드로 영어공부하시는 분께 도움되시면 좋겠습니다.
Okay, okay, fine! Make jokes, I don't care! This is a big break for me!
이건 나한테 큰 기회야!
do I sense a little bit of resentment?
너 약간 분노한거 같은데?(느껴지는데?)
*resentment [ rɪˈzentmənt ]
Monica, can you help me with the door? (He has armloads of stuff.)
문좀 열어줄래?(한 손 가득 짐을 들었다.)
*armload : 한아름
No, that was clenching.
그건 쪼이는거잖아.
*clench: 1. (주먹을) 꽉 쥐다; (이를) 악물다2. (~에 대고) ~을 단단히 고정시키다
1. When you clench your fist or your fist clenches, you curl your fingers up tightly, usually because you are very angry.
2. When you clench your teeth or they clench, you squeeze your teeth together firmly, usually because you are angry or upset. (=grit)
3. If you clench something in your hand or in your teeth, you hold it tightly with your hand or your teeth. (=grip)
Just casually strewn about in that reckless haphazard manner?
아무렇게나 널부러져 있는데?
*strew about: 흩뿌리다
*reckless: 무모한, 신중하지 못한
*haphazard [hæp|hæzərd] : 마구잡이식, 무계획적인, 닥치는대로 하는