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cushion the blow.
돌려 말하는거지 (충격 완화)
* cushion the blow: to do something that reduces harm.
it's like when you're a kid, and our parents put your dog to sleep, and they tell you it went off to live on some farm.
네가 꼬마일 때 부모님이 기르던 개를 안락사시키고는 다른 농장에서 살게 보냈다고 말하는거랑 같지.
* put something to sleep
1. give somebody drugs (= an anaesthetic) before an operation to make them unconscious
2. kill a sick or injured animal by giving it drugs so that it dies without pain
(Joey tries and visibly winces.)
조이는 노력하지만 움찔한다
If you wince, the muscles of your face tighten suddenly because you have felt a pain or because you have just seen, heard, or remembered something unpleasant.
I mean, they're like- coyotes, picking off the weak members of the herd.
그러니까 코요테처럼 무리 중 제일 약한 일원을 골라내 없애는거지
* pick off: to aim at and shoot one by one
* (동물의) (같은 종류의) herd; (양·염소·새 등의) flock; (개·늑대 등의) pack; (물고기의) shoal, school; (곤충의) swarm; (사자의) pride
Like Joey's constant knuckle-cracking isn't annoying?
조이가 계속 손가락 꺾는건 괜찮고?
I think it's endearing.
난 (네가 머리카락 씹는거) 사랑스러운거 같아.
If you describe someone's behaviour as endearing, you mean that it causes you to feel very fond of them.